Thrash Craft

High Performance Surfboards by Brad Flora

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Thrash the process 2023 soety

“Brad Flora has always done things his own way. Ever-talented on a surfboard, Brad spent most of his East Coast upbringing losing comps to kids with half his ability because he refused to pass up an air section. When he got a little older, Brad moved to California. Rather than going vegan and riding a mid-length, he partied into the wee hours of night and surfed when the morning glass had shattered. Eventually, he grew bored of that and returned home to Maryland to become a plumber. One day, presumably with his arm halfway up someone’s toilet, Brad said fuck this, I just want to surf, and started putting out clips (via iMovie), shaping his own boards (“dog-shit plugs”), and got picked up by a brand who supported his lifestyle (Rusty). Now he’s selling those boards, living part-time in Indo, and still refuses to pass up an air section. Watch his Stab Edit of the Year entry, Thrash The Process.’